School Meals
All School meals are cooked daily on the school premises.
The cost per day for a school meal is £2.40 and for the week the cost is £12.
Menus are produced termly and are available from the school office and displayed below.
We recognise that at certain times of the year (during the winter months) or on certain days children and or parents would like to have a cooked school meal rather than bringing a packed lunch in from home. We are able to accommodate this and do not require any advance notice. Just simply call into the school office and inform the office staff of your child’s requirements.
Some children are entitled to free school meals, depending on their parent(s)/registered carers circumstances. If you think that you may be entitled to this benefit, please call into the school office, where the staff will be able to provide further guidance and paperwork for completion, to enable your child to access this entitlement.
It is extremely important that if your child is entitled to free school meals, that you register your details even if you do not want your child to have a cooked school meal. Every child that is entitled to the benefit, do have opportunities for free or assisted places in other activities that the school organises. They may also get cash vouchers to be used towards the cost of school uniform. It will also mean that we are able to provide a school meal in the event of your child forgetting their packed lunch and you will not be charged for the meal.
School Menu - Updated July 2024